Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Pats

Not Dead.  St Pats.  Woot.
Now, after doing this for 5+ hours, I'm gonna get me some corned beef and get back to writing the remainder of this comment box later.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pi Day! 3.14

So...since its Pi day, I feel I should draw something related to that.  So heres Brie.  With Pie.  I...go mad at it, so this is as far as I got.  Maybe I'll finish it later, or do a total re-do which I'd rather.  Or start fresh with another new idea too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So I've been taking a slight break from hand-drawn art into the field of hand crafts.  I have a handbag nearly half-finished, and have finished a Pandora-esque necklace.
If I was to sell it (not the original, I'd make more) I would sell it for about $30-35 a pop.  Expensive?  While these beads are NOT BY PANDORA, the actual Pandora, or knock-off charms cost nearly $30 a bead.  Yea...I'm not rich.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

St Pats- Part Duex

Introducing Brie, a full-figured Dwarven girl (who in retrospect I may have still drawn on the 'thin' side) completely drunk and passed out in the Wildhammer Highlands.  For anyone confused on where that may be, look directly at the Twilight Highlands in the Eastern Kingdoms.  Tada- Brie's home.  I'm sure there's a few anatomy issues, but for the angle and all- best I can do methinks.

Friday, March 2, 2012

St Pats

I choose to think ahead. Dwarves plus another holiday that involves drinking? I see my two originals Leeyra (a fiery frecklied red-head with matching fiery heart) or Brie (dark haired fat and tan Wildhammer with a drive for all things extremely dwarven) working well. They'll do nicely. Unless otherwise picked, I'll be aiming for the Wildhammer herself.