Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Stuff (Request Project)

Per request from Harmonie Rosalina on Hentai Foundry, I present the trio of Mario Princesses (or trinity, trinity can be a fun word too.)  Currently featured HERE on Deviantart, and not yet uploaded on Hentai Foundry (due to anatomical errors, it can be found in the scraps at a later date).  I had a ton of fun this one, despite the so-called anatomy issues.  Its cute, cuddly, and sweet, compared to what most of the prior requested pictures were.

As always, I'm happy to take requests for future pieces.  Currently I am working on a 4-part work from the Steamy Romance Novel Series from World of Warcraft.  I'll go more into detail on that when I'm not exhausted at 1 in the morning.


  1. They are so cute... I love this drawing... But it's really stupid your pic was refused on D.A... Like this one, I don't see any problem and there is a lot of pics who were accepted with really big anatomical errors... T_T

    So thanks so much for your kindness and this beautifull drawing... I happy to see you had a lot a pleasure make this drawing...

    I send you a little present in D.A... I say it's not a lot but I prefer that instead of see artist with empty hand... ^^

  2. Its actually quite strange- I submitted it to the "main gallery" and it was dismissed for errors. That afternoon I submitted it into "scaps" and they bumped it to a main gallery submission? Strange, but I will not complain!
